Monday, January 5, 2009

UGH! Work sucks, I know.

I just got news that a customer complained to my manager about me and a coupon that didn't even apply to what he wanted to buy. I'm going to illustrate to you what happened and you tell me if I did anything wrong.

Two men walked into the store, smiley and cheery. Each asked for a small waffle cone of frozen yogurt. I made each of them their waffle cones and proceeded to the register.

"Would you like to start a rewards card?" I asked.
"No thank you," he said. At first he was a very nice guy and I treated him with a smile, as I would any customer.

After giving him his total, he then said:
"Oh, here!" and threw two coupons onto the counter and walked a couple feet back, stopping as if he waited for me to tell him he was okay to leave.

The coupon was a free small cup or cone (or $2 off any menu item). So yes, they got a small waffle cone. But the problem is that the coupon does not apply to the waffle cone because it costs more than just a simple cup or wafer cone.

"I can only give you $2 off of your purchase per coupon," I said, still smiling.
But then, his eyes widened in disgust: "I've NEVER had a problem with it before,"
"Sir, these coupons do not apply to the small waffle cone..."
He cut me off: "I have NEVER had a problem with this before."
"The small waffle cone is more..."
He cut me off again. "What's your name?"
"Courtney..." I hesitated.
"Is your manager in right now?"
"No, she isn't."
"When will she be in?"
"Around 3 o'clock," I said.
He put down the waffle cone. "I don't even want it then." His father was standing next to him (well, it looked like his father.) His father seemed extremely embarassed, or just speechless. I wish his son was the same way; trying to avoid conflict, that is.
"Sir, let me explain. The waffle cone costs more than a regular cone. A regular cone is what this coupon applies to." I rang up 1 regular cone and 1 waffle cone to demonstrate the difference in price. "I will give it to you this time, but next time..."
He cut me off AGAIN.
"There is not going to be a next time. Seriously, Courtney. I am NOT coming back here." He picked the waffle cone back up and stormed out.

Did I do anything wrong there? I was completely flustered through the entire conversation. I stuttered through all of my words. If he weren't so stubborn, he would have realized sooner that I was going to give him them for free this time after explaining the coupon to him.

Most customers do not get so defensive over a simple waffle cone.

Now... each waffle cone was $3.69 each before tax, making that 7.38 for both of them together. If I were to take the two dollars off for each coupon ($4 off total) he would only have had to pay $3.38. I don't understand what makes a customer feel the need to fight a coupon that just does not apply to what they want.

Nor have I ever seen these customers in here before and I have worked there for two and a half years. So, if they've never had a problem with this coupon before, it certainly was not at our store.

I do not make the rules of the coupons. I simply enforce them. It is not my fault that the coupon does not apply.

Oh, but the best part is... now I have to waste gas by driving up to the store, sitting down with my manager and "talking" about what happened. Not even the owner will listen to me but he's making the manager do it. What good will that do? The owner is the one who makes all the decisions. If my hours get cut for this, I will be furious. That customer really had no reason to complain and I can't afford to lose hours over something that I can't control.

/major rant

1 comment:

AnneFTW said...

OMG What asses! Some people just cannot accept being wrong & will fight to the bitter end about it! (LOL I really feel for you because I know people like this!).
You should copy the bit that you wrote which explains exactly what happened & give it to your manager. It'll make sure she gets all the details in case you forget anything whn you have to talk to her.... just an idea!
Good luck with the talk! Just remeber you're in the right & she'll probably be on your side when she hears the full story!
